Nina Kulagina

During the Cold War, silent black-and-white films of Russian psychic Nina Kulagina performing feats of telekinesis, appearing to move objects on a table with her mind, were produced. The film was recorded under controlled conditions by Soviet authorities.

Nina Kulagina: move objects with the mind.

A box of matches would be scattered on a bench; Nina held her hands over them, focused her mind. Suddenly, all the matches would move together to the edge of the bench, then fell one by one to the floor.

Her abilities were numerous and many scientists did experiments with her. This is great for us because because it means that we have a treasure chest full of information about what Kulagina did and how she did it. This means that we can apply her methods and strive to achieve the same results.

‘I visited the Kulagina family the evening of 26 February, 1968. Mr. Blazek, an editor friend was with me, also a physician, Dr. J.S. Zverev, and Dr. Sergeyev. Her husband, an engineer, was also present. Dr. Zverev gave Mrs. Kulagina a very thorough physical examination. Tests with special instruments failed to show any indication whatever of magnets or any other concealed object.

‘We checked the table thoroughly and also asked Mrs. Kulagina frequently to change position at the table. We passed a compass around her body and the chair and table with negative results. I asked her to wash her hands. After concentrating, she turned the compass needle more than ten times, then the entire compass and its case, a matchbox and some twenty matches at once. I placed a cigarette in front of her. She moved that too, at a glance. I shredded it afterwards and there was nothing inside it. In between each set of tests, she was again physically examined by the doctor.' Dr. Zdenek Rejdak

Nina Kulagina moving a compass needle with her mind.

Scientists were able to record actual physical changes in Kulagina including an altered heartbeat, increased brain waves and an electromagnetic field distortion. To ensure that external electromagnetic impulses did not interfere, she was placed inside of a metal cage while she demonstrated an ability to remove a marked matchstick from a pile of matchsticks under a glass dome

The Soviet Union and the KGB became curious to see if Nina's abilities extended to cells, tissues, and organs. Sergeyev was one of many scientists present when Nina attempted to use her energy to stop the beating of a frog's heart floating in solution. He said that she focused intently on the heart and apparently made it beat faster, then slower, and using extreme intent of thought, stopped it.

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